The bumps is a birthday ritual at schools in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, usually performed on the school field, playground, or other open space. The birthday child is surrounded by classmates, and after a chorus of Happy Birthday to You, four other children seize the child's arms and legs. Then the child is thrown up into the air and back down again as many times as their age in years (although the other children never let go), while the crowd shouts the count as the birthday child reaches the zenith. Often, at the end, the crowd shouts "And one for luck!" and the other children let go and catch again on the last throw.
The "Birthday bumps" are also common in Ireland, Canada and India, pretty much the same version of the ritual with some creative alterations at times. The tradition continues, especially in colleges, where 'Bumps' may be given for anything ranging from a Birthday to acing a test or even speaking a silly joke.

Irish children are given "Birthday Bumps" in honor of their birthday. While held upside down, the birthday celebrant is gently bumped on the floor one time for every year of their age - plus one extra for good luck!
Another variation is "Engagement bumps" given to the bride following the exchange of rings.
Another variation, common in Scotland, is called "the dumps" (often referred to as "the bumps"). It is similar to "the bumps", but after the chorus of Happy Birthday, the child is thumped on the back or arm several times, once for each year of their life, again typically with "one for luck!".
Another version in India practiced usually among boys is to hold the arms and legs of the birthday boy, and kick him in the buttocks with or without shoes. This can be done gently, or in a manner which causes pain depending on the level of frustration the kicker has on the kicked. The belief is that all anger and bitter feelings which the kickers have on the kicked are vented and forgotten on the birthday of the kicked. The bumps are not only for the birthday boy. Students getting job while on campus,students winning awards, a very irritating student are also kicked in their buttocks.
And another variation is "Birthday dunks". The birthday child is lifted upside down and "dunked" in the water for good luck. The number of bumps given is the age of the child plus one for extra good luck.
The "Birthday bumps" are also common in Ireland, Canada and India, pretty much the same version of the ritual with some creative alterations at times. The tradition continues, especially in colleges, where 'Bumps' may be given for anything ranging from a Birthday to acing a test or even speaking a silly joke.

Irish children are given "Birthday Bumps" in honor of their birthday. While held upside down, the birthday celebrant is gently bumped on the floor one time for every year of their age - plus one extra for good luck!
Another variation is "Engagement bumps" given to the bride following the exchange of rings.
Another variation, common in Scotland, is called "the dumps" (often referred to as "the bumps"). It is similar to "the bumps", but after the chorus of Happy Birthday, the child is thumped on the back or arm several times, once for each year of their life, again typically with "one for luck!".
Another version in India practiced usually among boys is to hold the arms and legs of the birthday boy, and kick him in the buttocks with or without shoes. This can be done gently, or in a manner which causes pain depending on the level of frustration the kicker has on the kicked. The belief is that all anger and bitter feelings which the kickers have on the kicked are vented and forgotten on the birthday of the kicked. The bumps are not only for the birthday boy. Students getting job while on campus,students winning awards, a very irritating student are also kicked in their buttocks.
And another variation is "Birthday dunks". The birthday child is lifted upside down and "dunked" in the water for good luck. The number of bumps given is the age of the child plus one for extra good luck.